Monday, September 15, 2008

Busy Weekend

On Friday after school I got home and went to the field to combine. I was in the field till 1:00 in the morning. Then on Friday I went combining again all day. Then on Sunday I went for a dirt bike ride and crashed twice and blew out my knee. Then after that at around 12:30 I jumped back in the combine and was in there till 12:30m last night. It was a good weekend except for crashing on my dirt bike.

Friday, September 5, 2008

My Summer

This summer I went to B.C. My family and I went on the sky train and on the sea bus in Vancouver. Then when we got back home my sister and I re-built the corral for her horses. I did some dirt biking through the summer with friends. I did field work such as: working stubble and picking stones. After that I did some more dirt biking. Now I am bear hunting for the month of September. I am planning to try and go every day after school and on weekends. The reason why I am bear hunting is because the population of bears has been going up for the past three years and I want to get one made into a rug. That is what I did this summer.